Sunday, March 7, 2010

Artist Statement (TAKE 1)

In a few sentences, respond to the following question in a comment below...
  • What is the central idea of your concentration? (500 characters maximum)

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Please respond thoughtfully to the following wonderings...

1. What is Learning?

2. After being at the Art Institute yesterday, what did you take in that you will carry with you? In other words, what "HIT YOU?", "inspired you?", "made you ask a question?", or  "is just now part of your memory, experience, and way of seeing the world?


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Art and Fear...written response

What hit you as 'true' or made you say 'yes' in this article? How do you (or don't you) relate to the author's discussion? Write a paragraph or so in response to this reading and post this in the 'comments' below...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What fears do you have about your artwork or making art?

Okay, so this is a big one for many of us who make stuff...but often in sharing our worries and anxieties about making things we can also ease the tension a bit.

So...what do you worry about with your work? What are you afraid to hear from your audience?

Let's open up a bit here...we are not alone in our worries...

This is me looking confused and worried.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

AP ART website artists...

So which artist or artist on the website did you respond to? (name them)

What is it (BE SPECIFIC!!!!)  that excites you or interests you about this work?

Lastly, write a description of their work so that we can imagine the pieces even without SEEING them. Imagine that you are describing this work to a friend who won't get to take a look at the actual pieces.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Where do ideas come from?

So...what do you think? Please share some of the inspirations for the seeds that grow our as specific as possible and let's try to compile a big list of 'inspiration triggers'...

Friday, August 28, 2009